A+ Impact

Catch Da Beat! Feel Da Rhythm! Move as One! We support underserved communities with proceeds from sales.

School Supply Drive for Charleston Progressive Academy

Purchase a t-shirt today to support!!!

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Clearance Sale

  • Shipping

    Please allow 5-7 business days to receive orders. We expect to exceed that timeline. We thank you for supporting the mission and Catching Da Beat!

  • Black History: Dr. Vivian Thomas

    American laboratory supervisor who developed a procedure used to treat Blue Baby Syndrome in the 1940s. In 1976, John Hopkins awarded him an honorary doctorate and named him an instructor of surgery for the John Hopkins School of Surgery.

  • Quick Health Tip for my High Sugar (Diabetics) Family

    Fruits are a healthy choice and provide a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. However, some fruits should be eaten in moderation due to the high glycemic (sugar) content:

    Bananas, Watermelons, Dried Dates and Pineapples

    Lower glycemic index fruits to try:

    Blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries and Tomatoes